Our goal is to empower childcare providers with the knowledge,
skills, and resources they need to establish and operate high-quality
childcare centers. We are dedicated to their success and will be there
to provide ongoing support and guidance throughout their journey. We plan on hiring, training and supporting 5 to 10 childcare providers,
The EECRC Community Road Safety project, funded by the Oregon Department of Transportation, aims to raise awareness, promote alternative transportation, and foster responsible biking and walking within the Portland Metro area. The project duration is from October 2023 to September 2024.
In collaboration with the Johnson Creek Watershed Council, EECRC spearheaded the planting of hundreds of plants for a rain garden in areas that were depaved in October. The establishment of rain gardens serves a crucial role in filtering pollutants in stormwater before it reaches Johnson Creek, contributing to the preservation and health of the local ecosystem.
Mentoring services including outdoor science camps and leadership development focused on youth ages 13-18 who identify as refugees and/or immigrants of Eritrea or Ethiopia.
EECRC - Marketplace Transition provides Marketplace and OHP-equity focused
outreach and health plan enrollment assistance to communities in Oregon, with an
emphasis on helping individuals from Ethiopia and Eritrea.
Multnomah County - REACH Program Sponsors EECRC Healthy Ambassador Program. The Healthy Heart Ambassadors (HHAs) supports participants in their journey toward improved health and blood pressure management. Feb - May 2023
Five HHA Ambassadors and 25 Participants are part of this Project.
Vance Community Conversations . Fifteen Ethiopian and Eritrean Community members engaged on this conversation for future of Vance Project. Feb 11, 2023
EECRC partnering with Community teach youth skills of bike ride, Road safety and route mapping. Thank you for offering us 10 quality bikes for our youths! June to Aug 2023
This project is intended to Increase the General financial knowledge , Increase the knowledge of Community Investment Trust .
Distributing technology resources as determined through the Tech Kit Application selection process. Technology
resources are a direct resource for Project Beneficiaries and funding under this Agreement shall support
Subrecipient’s design and delivery of digital skills training and support for securing reliable internet
access to use the technology to improve a Project Beneficiary’s economic, health, and social wellbeing.
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